Biomarker Technologies, Inc. ("BTI") is your source for advanced geochemical technology critical for understanding the complete petroleum system for basin modeling applied to exploration, development and production.

The advanced analyses we offer allow you to:
- Correlate any hydrocarbon sample, condensate, severely-biodegraded oil, seepage oil, source rock, and black oil;
- Discover and identify deep sources for gas and condensate in mature basins;
- Designate crude oil mixtures, then unravel and identify the components;
- Estimate the liquids component of tight shale before fracking;
- Determine multiple biodegradation sequences to improve heavy oil production, model oil-charging history, along with estimating volumetric losses due to biodegradation; and
- Understand the role of asphaltenes in heavy oil and unlock the secrets of oil provenance they have protected and preserved through the bio-alteration process.

Types of analyses:
- All Classical and Client-specific GC-MS and GC-MS-MS analyses
- Quantitative Diamondoid-Biomarker Analysis Method (QDA)
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of the Diamondoids (CSIA-D)
- Quantitative Extended Diamondoid Analysis (QEDA)
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Light Hydrocarbons (CSIA-LH)
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of Biomarkers and Alkanes (CSIA-B/A)
- Age-related Taxon-specific Biomarkers
- Biomarker Acids Analysis (BAA)
- Thiadiomondoid Analysis for TSR Estimation
- Special C30 Sterane Analysis

We Also Offer:
- Consulting Services
- Workshops
- Short Courses
- Training
- Interpretation
- Project Design
- Research and Development
- Internships
- Core Storage Facility
Contact us today to learn more